by Aishling

Shirt – Topshop
Skirt – Primark/Penneys
Allegra Boots – Topshop
Collar – some Hippy Shop
Hair Band – New Look
I’ve not had much time for blogging this week I’m afraid. I just started an Evening Course in French. Despite getting a good grade for the LC, I now struggle to string a sentence together. I feel like I’m back in school again! 
I got this headband last weekend in New Look. I never wear things like that but I just couldn’t resist it. Its too cute. And weirdly enough, I have an attraction to pink lately. That’s totally unlike me. I have a little DIY job in mind for this shirt so watch this space. . . 

Also on Le Stage

1 comment

Elle April 30, 2012 - 4:37 pm

I'm jealous you nabbed one of those skirts in penneys, jealous of those gorgeous paris photos below, and jealous of your full hair 🙂 Little green monster xoxo


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