Headed off on the train to Normandy Friday morning – learnt a bit of Arabic on the way!! I was going on a trip away with work. We stayed in the most gorgeous, adorable french Chateau in the countryside. It was actually the nicest place ever! And myself & Tara got the nicest room- antique furniture and a hugh old fireplace. The trip away involved a LOT of food (well not for me cause I don’t eat cheese which eliminates a whole course or two, also don’t eat meat or drink coffee). Red & White wine and home-made cider came with every meal! Not to shabby! The dessert for dinner was a normandie gateaux so they turned off the lights and set it on fire. My god the taste of alcohol off it was stronger than a shot of Tequila!
People I work with gave presentations for a couple of hours Friday eve and saturday morning about famous Engineers and the like. Pretty cool cept it was all in French! Played a few random sports too – turns out I have a hidden talent for boules! But unfortunately we didn’t get to meet the ghosts and phantoms.
We were meant to get a tour of Caen before we got a train back to Paris but as we were bummin along the motorway one of the bus tires exploded! IT was like a bomb goin off! So yeah we were stuck at the side of the road for like an hour! But I eventually got home in time for hitting the town. we FINALLY went to Rex club on Blvd Bonne Nouvelle – Johnny Depp part owns it or something. COol enough. Yet we still ended the night in an Irish pub! Typical