This will come as NO surprise to those of you who know me well – but I was running late when I was heading out last night – so I literally threw on this outfit, took a quick qawk in the mirror, and ran out the door. I think its cause I got carried away straightening my hair – which usually takes approx. a decade to accomplish. So I threw the outfit back on today to take a few snaps. Et Voilà, there ya have it! For a €5 skirt, it’s not doing too bad.
The heatwave in Paris this weekend is a little cray cray. Dunno how Mam will stick it when she arrives over in a week’s time! My poor midget legs got attacked by a swarm of Mosquitoes yesterday – they’re driving me up the wall!
The View from My Room while I sort out the blog =)
Paris Plage Last Night
hey, i just stumbled across your blog, but I absolutely love it. Everything-from the layout to your killer sense of style-is amazing. I especially love this look. You look stunning! This outfit is the perfect mix of edgy and chic. I adore the combination of the denim jacket and that amazing animal print skirt, which fits you like a dream by the way. This whole look is just so cool and looks perfect on you! I am your newest fan. Could you check out my blog at http://www.rogue-collection.blogspot.com as well? i would love to follow each other. Thanks 🙂
Nice view from your room lady! And your getting great mileage from your bargain skirt 🙂 Sucks about getting bitten, they love me too. Have you ever used "OFF" Mosquitoe repellent? Its in a orange bottle and I swear by it!!
love the vest! 🙂