by Aishling

These photos were taken the day after the 12 Pubs of Christmas – and after nights out I tend to swap my contacts for my geeky glasses. The sister dragged me to Castlebar to do the Christmas food shopping, so comfy leggings and a cosy oversized coat was essential. I bought these America Apparel leggings when I moved to London after I spied them on Lily Melrose.

Holly (the Labrador) refused to move out of the way – despite being the most camera shy dog in the world. She turned 13 Christmas Day.

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Bring on 2014!

Glasses – Firmoo
Scarf – Monki
Top – Topshop
Leggings – American Apparel
Satchel Bag – Topshop
Cut-out Boots – Zara
Rings – H&M
Watch – Casio

Also on Le Stage

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