It’s been ten months since I last published a blog post. It feels like even longer. But twenty-eighteen is the year to get back on the wagon. Except for the occasional outing for trips away and for these photos (more on that below), my camera was left to gather dust last year.
But I’m already upping my game, despite many hours or days of procrastination. I have one blog shoot in the bag and half a dozen blog posts drafted (that have yet to be re-written five times because I overthink everything). Expect plenty of travel content, some photos of London, the occasional blogger shoot and who knows what else.

Anyway, these photos. I attended an Architecture By Night photography walk last year. The tours are run by the same crowd responsible for London Open House. It was my first stab at night photography, so it was useful to have a professional there to dish out advice. One good tip I learned, because I forgot my remote shutter release, is to set a timer on your camera – pressing the button to take a photo creates vibrations which can affect the photo when the shutter speed is slow. Having a 10 second delay helps avoid the issue. The walking tour started at Lloyds of London – the Richard Rogers building with the staircases and services ducts on the outside – passed by the Walkie-Talkie & Tower of London and finished along the Thames near Tower Bridge.